
What are some adorable things you pet does?

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My 6 month old staffy pup has some cute little traits about him, he LOVES the hairdryer and I will blow the air towards him and he'll run back and forth frantically and bite the end of the dryer. He also LOVES mandarin segments..It's his favourite treat!

Tell me some of the cute unique characteristics of you pet please!!




  1. my 5 pet rabbits all LOVE to go to petco with me when im gettign them food!!

  2. well my pup sleeps with a short pudgy teddy bear..she loves it like you would not believe.

    and my moms dog will take her toy ball and push it off the couch with her nose and chase after it!!  

  3. my dog goes under your hand and then when he get's your attention he roll over.

  4. we have a 10 month old kitten that plays soccer like Diego Maradona lol, she has little cat toy balls with bells in them, and she will run along batting them with her paw, or pushing them with her nose, dodging in and out of furniture. She wont let you take the ball off her no matter what! When shes done playing, she swats the ball under the TV table, and leaves them there till next time :P Its cute watching her, but watching the kids try to get the ball from her is even more amusing lol

    And her favorite treat is watermelon :) (which to the best of my knowledge, wont hurt her in small doses)  

  5. My puppy runs so fast,it can knock down my 5 year old neice.

    He loves playing with her.

  6. One of my cats has this weird thing where she likes to drink out of faucets....she drinks out of the kitchen faucet, the bathroom sink faucet, and even the bathtub faucet.  You just have to make  sure that it is on a cool setting and is not turned on strongly enough to hurt her tongue.

  7. My cat is obsessed with catnip. He is really fat and lazy, but when he sees me with the bag he chases me and when I put it on the floor he rolls in it and licks it lovingly and will lay in the spot staring at us for hours like he is high on catnip. He knows the drawer I keep it in too and he will sit on the countertop and try to open the drawer with his paw. My other cat who also happens to be fat and lazy loves food. He will eat whatever he can. He really loves pizza, potato chips and funyuns! A cat that eats Funyuns- LOL.  

  8. aw!

    thats hilarious

    i have a maltese

    and she absolutely

    does not like the hair

    dryer!! but she LOVES

    fruits. she goes crazy for

    them. and she loves digging

    inside pillows xD

  9. My rat and my gold retriever puppy play together.  

    My cat always make sure I get down stairs. No matter how long I take.

    The two horses are g*y lovers. its sad though, the foot got infected and we have to put him to sleep.  

  10. I have a 3 y/o lab that absoultely loves to "curl" up in bed with me, and to be cuddled. No joke... He even loves to rest his head on the pillow and burying his nose in the pillow case..

    Oh so cute!

  11. Eats any food Im eating including lettuce!

    If I sit down my border collie cross will sit on my lap (she isnt a small dog!)

    Thinks breaking wind should be rewarded.

    Attacks the vacuum cleaner and shakes it.

    Knows I know when she has been digging (we have red dirt, dead giveaway on the nose).

    Thinks chillis are a reward for jumping to get the laundry, not a punishment.

    Will sometimes attack her own foot for no reason.

  12. dont know about cute, but my cat has a tendency to attack for no reason, this morning my daughter and little dog were lying in front of the heater, cat first attacked the dog, then got stuck into my daughters hair / head

  13. my gerbils lay together all curled up with each other it so cute

  14. we just got a pet kitty and my dog wants attention so she picks up one of the kitty's toys and tries to get him to play with it!!  :D  

  15. My beagle will always walk past and put her butt in your face after she has farted - just to make sure you get a whiff.

  16. My rabbit follows me everywhere until I play with him :3

  17. I like it when my hamsters fly off the hamster wheels.

  18. My westie and i sing (I howl and he howls along)

  19. My cat purrs while he cleans himself and always cleans his paws before laying on my chest or lap.  Which I find adorable because he terrible at cleaning himself.

    Also the fact that he fears animals smaller then him.  Like our neighbors new kitten and the baby shitzu<-(I think I spelt that wrong) puppy my sister brought over one day. (He's 7 years old, quite large.)

  20. My 5 month old kitten will walk over to my laptop and plop down on the keyboard and stretch.

    She also hides behind a certain chair and jumps out and attacks my leg every time I walk by.

  21. I let my bunnies run around the garden for a few hours and then when i put them back in there hutch, Flopsy was so tiered she just flopped out! What do you think?

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