
What are some advanced strategies for the board game Risk?

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I know many of the basic strategies like taking Australia and South America early, and concentrating soldiers on the borders. But what are some more advanced strategies. I've been to the total diplomicy website, but they only tell you what a good Risk player needs to be able to do, but not how to do it.




  1. TAKE RISKS and hope for the best,,,,,  that doesnt mean do stupid things but just think of the possibilities before each turn ..i just go all out and i win alot but its not very accurate.. im not extremely advanced but i have expierence.  

    hope u win dude,,,,.............

  2. Well, my personal strategy is to take Australia and/or South America as early as I can.  Once that is done, I will build up troops on all borders pretty evenly.  Don't forget about any "stranded" territories you may have left; they're great for taking new territories (and getting cards for the bonuses) without risking your borders.

    At some point, depending on how the game is going, I'll begin a "push" from the northern part of South American and the northern part of Australia.  Both of these "pushes" will move towards the Alaska/Siberia region.  Keep the territories well defended on your march to the Bering Strait, but keep the majority of troops on your original borders (SA + Aus).

    Once you've got the Bering Strait, then sweep across North America.  When NA is complete, take a few turns and rebuild your troop numbers.  Then it's across to Africa and Europe.

    Alternate, attacking each continent one turn after the other.  Slowly and steadily build up your troops in Asia, where you marched on the Bering Strait.  Use your attacks on Africa and Europe to keep your opponent's attention, and just drop a few troops in Asia every other turn or so.  Then, once your numbers are high, drop the hammer on him.

    The main attack comes from Australia and the territories along the Pacific Coast, from Australia to Siberia.  Move as fast as you can towards Eastern Europe, and don't worry about taking all of Asia.  Don't worry about defending territories.  Just take as much as you can as fast as you can.

    If either of your opponents starts to shift troops to meet your new march, then pounce on them from across the Atlantic.  Africa should fall pretty quickly, as there's not too many territories to take the continent.  If they never do shift troops, then you'll be able to take Asia without much effort.

    At some point, I expect your battles to focus in the Middle East.  I can't say this enough; if you're attacking from Africa, then you want to take and hold the Syrian Peninsula.  It's much easier to defend that one territory than it is to defend the two territories of Africa that are connected to it.  If you're attacking from Australia, then I would give that area plenty of attention.  If you're able, just move around it and contain him on other fronts.

    One option, if the Syrian Peninsula is too well defended, is to sweep down from Europe.  Don't try to take all of Europe, just push across from North America and prevent your opponent from capturing all of Africa.  Assuming everything has worked as I described (and I've had about 50/50 luck with it), your powerbase of North and South America will swing the battle in your favor.

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