
What are some advantages of being allied with China?

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What are some advantages of being allied with China?




  1. -High volume of trade

    -Willing buyer for lots of U.S. debt

    -Makes Russia virtually insignificant (China and the U.S. are Russia's main rivals, so working together Russia has to basically defend itself from extinction)

    -Coordinated military action in Africa and the Middle East has prevented European intervention in the regions, particularly limiting the French

    -India's alliance with the U.S. cools tensions between India and China (Your friend is my friend) and North Korea's alliance with China means the U.S. can shift responsibility to China (N. Korea wanted to have one-on-one talks, but Bush insisted on multilateral talks that would include China)

    I don't like China, but its a logical alliance in terms of geo-political competition.

  2. LOL.. NOT MANY..

    a communist might try to tell you otherwise though..

    Looks down at john C. - largest retail market of what? Tainted goods that the entire US is recalling? lol..

  3. largest retail market

  4. Because there's not much point in being their enemy. If we want to influence what they do, they aren't going to listen to their enemies, right? So we have to get involved in their commerce and industry, and use that leverage to change their political system. The better off their populace is, the more power in their own country they have. They have been making some progress too. We just have to be more careful with what we buy from them - if they know they can sell us any old junk, there's no incentive to get better, make better products. Also, they are the biggest single market in the world, and their appetites are growing for products we produce.

  5. perhaps the US could then legally import rock bottom low price child labour to manufacture Buicks or sell McDonald's`?

  6. You must keep your enemies closer than your friends.  China is a communist dictatorship, but the heart of China has always been a free enterprise consumer driven and war like society for 5,000+ years, just like ours has been since Greek and Roman times.  It's tough to avoid human nature

    Better to fully understand them and know how to play them for  inevitable conflicts (Taiwan) to avoid the more costly military ones.

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