
What are some advantages or pro's about gerrymandering?

by Guest57679  |  earlier

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And please be as laconic(be straight to the point) as possible thank you!




  1. ... absolutely nothing.

    If you have a bipartisan redistricting commity, you can effectively  maximize competitive districts, but then that's really not gerrymandering at all.

  2. That depends on which kind of gerrymandering is being implemented. There is racial gerrymandering which is designed to benefit certain racial minority groups, or other kinds of gerrymandering which designed to disempower them. There is partisan gerrymandering which might, like Bandit's answer aluded to, help both parties re-elect their incumbents, or there is partisan gerrymandering which might help one party at the expense of the other.

    I'm sorry; I know you wanted a laconic answer, but the question itself is so vague that it is impossible to answer it without discussing the different types of gerrymandering that there are.

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