
What are some advantages to living in canada versus the united states?

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Id like to hear from some actual canadians who used to or at some time lived in the u.s.




  1. I've lived in San Jose for all of 2 months... so.... I wouldn't say I'm an expert by any means... I have, however, gone back to the Coast and/or other Western States for the past 5 years every year for at least 2 weeks.

    So... I dunno... I have "lived" there for a while but not a long time...

    That said..... I don't think there are any advantages to just one country because both are sooo diverse, it would be unjustifialbe to compare them.

    In my experience you have to judge each region instead of countries... each region of North America resembles eachother much more than the Canada/US boundary.

    For example... I live in Calgary ont he great plains bordering the Rocky Mountains.  I go to Salt Lake City lots.... I think they are basically exactly the same culturally and environmentally... so no disadvantage or advantage to either.

    However, I loved Santa Cruz and San Jose.. they are on the coast.  Lots of advatnages/disadvantes there because it's different.

    But someone from Vancouver would find SF  Bay Area relatively similar to their area... so they can't relaly judge.

    You see what I mean?

    I'd say nationally... the advantages of Canada are the sick, disadvtanged people moreso than they are in the US.  There's a better social security structure up here (although I think at times that is questionable).  On the other hand everything in the US is cheaper to buy and there's more variety for consumer goods.  Americans also pay less taxes which is a plus.

    Those are really the only disadvantages/advantages I can think of between the two countries.

    One clear advantage Canada does have is beer... we have way better beer and I will state that as fact.. hahaha although that probably doesn't matter much.


    Oh and I forgot as well.  I do think that Canadians are more informed of world affairs.... Canadians generally come across as more educated about the social sciences... in terms of science and biology I'd say both Americans and Canadians are about the same... Schooling the US isn't as stringent and difficult as it is in Canada.. just my opinion.  So I would go so far as to say the education is better in Canada.

  2. nice people, and we're very multi cultural

  3. Canada is prettier, the people are coolest and is clean and, wathever! I LOVE CANADA!!!

  4. i'm from Brampton Ontario Canada

    u don't have to have insurence to get health care. but u do have to have a drug plan to get close to free prescription drugs.

  5. I lived in northern California for a year but I am Canadian. For me one of the biggest things that makes Canada better is the lack of guns up here. Everyone down there, including some really wacko types, seemed to have one. At a rodeo I went to in Nevada, one cowboy hauled one out of his boot over a little dog playing with the cattle. Anyone who would pull a gun on a Lhaso Apso would pull one on anyone.

    I found people were very racist compared to here though I have to admit human relations have improved immensely over what they were in the 60's when I went there first. Don't get me wrong here - we have our share of racists here but they never seem to be so obsessed in their racism.

    Americans appear, as a group, to be paranoid. I think your present  government encourages it - it is rampant since George Bush moved into the White House. Mail that used to get across the border just a few years ago in a day or two, now takes 10 - 12 days so that everything can be checked and checked again. I understand spot checks and I understand tracking individual mail from people who are suspect. But slowing everything down to almost a stop is a bit extreme. Crossing the border used to be easy. Now it is a hair pull. Even the seniors here who used to go over the border to play casino games are treated like terrorists. Insanity!

    Canadians are more informed of things universal. Americans know their own little corner of their own country and, geographically, at least, very little else. Some of us like to talk about things other that the U.S.A. but few people from the U.S.A. can join in the conversations because they have nothing to add if the topic not American.

    I think that Canadians are more tolerant, more informed and a whole lot less gun crazy than most Americans. I think that while we do have our fair share of crime, it is generally safer living here than there. Less people means less crazies but mostly it is safer here because there are strict gun laws. Canadians who get angry with someone may want to kill the person but are less likely to act on that anger with a gun. There probably isn't one readily available. Other weapons tend to involve more personal behaviour than guns do. It is much easier to cool off when a gun is not at hand. You guys just make it too easy to annihilate each other.

    Aside from all that I also think our beef tastes better as well as our fruits and vegetables.

    I know - I'm biased. :o) If you don't like, you are invited to come up here, wade through the snow that is ever on our streets, come to my igloo and knock the toque off my head after which we can share a plate of pemican and a Labatts (also better beer in Canada).

    Edit: That last paragraph is leg pulling! As in ROFLOL. It is not serious! So no more emails please.  It was a joke!

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