
What are some alternative energies that are good to search for?

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I am doing a powerpoint about alternative energies. I need to know whether or not to go with hydroelectric, windmills, or something else. Please help.




  1. The earth rotates to the east at 1000 miles per hour. Tesla suggested that we look into this as an alternate energy source. Please visit my site

  2. How about the obvious but generally ignored?

    How come birds fly South in the winter?

    If human beings could consider following the Sun relative to where we lived, the demand for energy for heat could be eliminated.  Of course the demand for energy to move would greatly increase.  Horses would be needed by the tens of thousands.

    Perhaps we could adopt the philosophy of the American Indians relative to population and those unable to move could politely absent themselves from the tribe? In this way we eliminate the problems of aging and death and those surviving can focus resources on the good life.

    To successfully face the future we must adopt some of the wisdom of the past.  Do you suspect many would agree to this plan?  Didn't think so.


  3. Solar is a good support technology, but it would have to come a long way.  When you calculate the power consumption of a city, and then calculate how much land you would need to clear to install your solar cell / reflectors / most current solar technology devices, you usually wind up with an area larger than the city.  This means a significant chunk of land needs to be cleared and turned into a desert. (Remember, you're taking light from the plants that would otherwise use it.)

    Windmills too have hang-ups.  Because of the nature of air, there's only so much work you can get out of it before it catches on and just goes around.  There are also maps available to show how windy various places are.  There's not a lot of places productive for this.

    Hydroelectric can be good if the reservoir is managed well, and downstream wetland areas are kept intact.

    Whatever you choose, remember there are likely reasons why it is 'alternative' instead of mainstream.  Reasons better than greedy oil companies.

    All I'm saying is don't get blindsided by a critic.  Know the strengths and weaknesses, and realize you need to promote DEVELOPMENT of the technologies as well as IMPLEMENTATION.

  4. You have to go with something that is already there.  Ideally solar, wind and water energy could do it all.  Realistically we're not at a place technologically where that is feasible.

    I know it's not a popular idea, but I am fond of nuclear energy too.

  5. Geothermal Power is one of the most promising

    renewable energies in the horizon and(Chevron)

    has three plants in Indonesia;

    *Geothermal zones are located in seismically active areas where earthquakes and volcanoes are concentrated;

    *Wells are drilled into productive geothermal zones,releasing,a mixture of hot water and steam;

    *Once captured,steam and hot water are separated,the steam is cleansed and sent to the power plant;

    *The separated water is returned to reservoir,helping to generate the steam source;

    *Steam spins a turbine in the power plant,which

    generates electricity;

    *Electricity is transmitted to (consumers) through

    the grid;

    *This geothermal operations(by Chevron) generates enough power to 7 millions homes in

    Indonesia and the Philippines



    Ocean Power

    Oceans cover 70 percent of the earth's surface. They are the world's largest solar energy collectors and concentrate vast amounts of kinetic energy in their waves, currents and tides. Ocean power has the potential to make meaningful contributions to the world's supply of renewable energy.



    Turning Trash Into Treasure

    Biofuels are transportation fuels produced from biomass. Biofuels fall into two broad categories based on their feedstock and the process used to produce the finished product.First-generation biofuels are produced in two ways. One way is through the fermentation of starch, from sugar-based food products such as corn kernels, or sugar cane into ethanol. Another way is by processing vegetable oils, such as soy, rapeseed and palm, into biodiesel.Second-generation biofuels are made from a wider variety of nonstarch, nonfood sources, such as cellulose, algae and recovered waste products. Still in the early development stages, second-generation biofuels could play an integral role in diversifying the world's energy sources by greatly expanding the pool of potential feedstocks while not using food-based products for fuel. These fuels have the potential to be created from renewable resources such as switchgrass, forest and agricultural residues, municipal solid waste, and new energy crops. These next-generation fuels may play an important role in diversifying the world's energy sources and curbing greenhouse gas emissions



    Transforming Natural Gas Into Super-Clean

    Gas-to-liquids, also known as GTL, is a technology that enables refiners to produce clean-burning diesel fuel, liquid petroleum gas and naphtha from natural gas. It does so through a three-stage process in which synthetic gas serves as the intermediary

  6. i have a theory..... i think that a magnetic strip into the road asphalt will enable a counter magnetic pulse to power a pod type car. egg shaped is best to distribute the pulse created by the anti / con  energies.  it will be the cleanest and most powerful energy possible.  image:  an egg shaped car with Lumiere film on its surface....where light can darken inside or lighten it and travel endless miles to any where you want to go . sorta' like a limo with none of the hassle.

  7. As I drive i10 (from Texas to New Mexico) I see the huge windmills. McCamey, Texas claims to be the wind capital of Texas. I also read somewhere that the United States Air Force was the largest purchaser of air power.

    I have seen a BMW commercial recently for a hydrogen powered car. I wonder about the safety issues using that hydrogen. However, it does burn clean.

    I recently saw Solar cells for sell that could recharge your cell phone and started to wonder why solar cells weren't used (at least for partial power) in the new hybrid cars (Toyota Prius, Honda Civic, etc.) that are so popular.

    I would look at all three for expense and safety issues (whatever else your criteria might be) and then you have to decide for your self.

    Good luck with your presentation.

  8. You might want to consider fuel cells.

    If you really want to look into the future, you could try breeder reactors too.

  9. Wind and solar are the best.There is a constant source of one or the other in most places,it never runs out,and absolutely zero pollution.Hydroelectric is clean and cheap,but the natural ecosystem is altered with hydro.Some studies and projects are also underway to harness the wave power of the oceans,again,never runs out,zero pollution.Those are my picks anyway

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