
What are some alternative waste disposal methods?

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I'm writing a paper for school, and this is my topic. (crappy, I know.) I need to know alternatives for getting rid of garbage, you know instead of landfills and incineration. Please help me! oh, and include a resource if you can.




  1. what's wrong with burning it? oh yeah, recycle and reuse.  if you wanted to take it really far.  people would line up at local dairy farms with buckets they brought from home and get their milk for the week.  localization is key there.

  2. The best way is to not make it in the first place.

  3. recycling.


    for "Reduce" there are lots of ways to purchase items with less "trash" or packaging. Look at the stuff your family buys and consider how each item, from toilet paper to cosmetics, to hygiene, to pet food, to people food, to cd's dvds, etc.-- how can each item that you've seen brought in recently have less "trash" with it?

    For "reduce" also, how are there ways in which things that were purchased could have been avoided? Are there ways you and your family could "use what you have" rather than purchase new items?

    For "re-use" think of ways in which your family could re-use items that you currently throw away. If you can't personally, re-use something, perhaps the item could be given to a charity, free-cycled, or put on Craig's list to give away to someone else.

    For "re-cycle" there are lots of items that can be recycled. Paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, aluminum, tin, copper, etc are all recyclable in a lot of communities. Call your local chamber of commerce or city hall for info about what is recycled in your community. Some communities have paint, battery, and other chemical recycling available, too.

    Good luck on your paper.

    P.S. for sources, check your chamber of commerce and local paper website.

    Hope this helps!


  4. A good way to get rid of organic food is to take a bucket fill half way with dirt put organic food ( rice, beans, meat, etc.)and fill the rest with more dirt in about 2 weeks poor it on your garden around flowers and trees its the best fertilizer you will ever get youre garden will thank you.

  5. recycle link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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