
What are some alternative ways of making decent money if you cannot find employment?

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What are some alternative ways of making decent money if you cannot find employment?




  1. You can find employment, just probably not the jobs you want.  Try a dounut shop they are always hiring, nobody wants to work at 5 in the morning.  Deliver pizza, yeah gas prices suck, but they compensate you for that, and if you have a 25-30mpg car it is not bad money (I made 150 cash in one night, X 5 nights = 750 a week).  

    This summer the only place I could find a job was a day care, I don't hate, but highly dislike most (but not all) kids.  But the hours are good and its in biking distance from my apt (college).  I have 3 PT jobs this summer and am making about 2000 a month.  Not bad for a poor college kid on summer break.  So, suck it up and look harder.

  2. The only other thing I can think of is online jobs. Certain websites pay you a great deal of money to take surveys, you just have to know what to sign up for. My friend earned a $500 gift card for completing a 15 minute survey.

  3. If you don't mind working hard, start your own business. I'm talking about lawn care. You can make a lot of money but work hard. This is especially true in the summer when it's very hot. Just hire a couple of guys to help you. With enough help a yard can be done in 20 min. Work at your own pace. Do yards when you feel like it and don't work days you don't. In one week you can make more than at a regular job. The only drawback is you won't have company health insurance or retirement. As a small business owner you can get this at a reasonable price.

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