
W@hat are some alternatives to animal testing?

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W@hat are some alternatives to animal testing?




  1. Slaves if you like are there any or volunteers.

  2. rofl

  3. good question.

    human beings r no option here

    try looking for any physiological similarity between animals and plants..

    i guess this may lead in the direction of plant testing..

  4. human testing

    or just NOT adding in chemicals that we know might do some long term damage to products we use

  5. Human testing maybe

  6. Testing it on humans. Care to volunteer?

  7. Sadly,  animal testing can't be avoided in some areas,  especially medicine/pharmacy.

    How else could you develop things like an artificial knee or hip if not previously tested on primates.

    Other areas like cosmetics, etc. could go without it but sadly,  it is easier (and cheaper) for them to just stick with it.

    If you resent it so much, you could do your part and at least buy make up, shampoo etc. that is marked as safe.....  they usually have some kind of bunny symbol on the backside of the product.

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