
What are some american foods that i will not be able to find in Spain?

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I'm moving to Spain and I am wondering what american foods will be unavailable there.... or what is an american food/drink you think the spanish people would enjoy?

is there any kind of american alcohol or dessert?




  1. haha! where do you think you are going to? Irak?

    Don't worry you'll find mcdonald, burger kings, pizza hut, kfc everywhere!! there is no Taco bell, though :(

    You can find the main american brands of anything as well.

    I can't think a single american licor that you can't find there.

    what kind of dessert do you mean? puddings, ice-creams...(they have all that)

    I hope it helps!

    Oh! I forgot to tell you, you won't find mountain dew :(

    But in the other hand you won't miss it because you can order beer in Burger King. who wants mountain Dew when you can have a cool beer??

  2. The one thing that I thought was difficult to find, though I think you might be able to in specialized stores, nowadays, was Peanut Butter!   After about five months, I wanted a pbj sandwich so badly my friend and I hitchhiked to Rota, to try to get onto the navy base.  We failed. :(  We were going to get Nestlé's chips, too, and make toll house cookies.  You can't easily find those already made, either, but even if you can't find chips, you can buy a chocolate bar and make chunks.  

    If you have specific brands of things that you like, you might have a difficult time finding them, but most things are available somewhere or other...I understand they even have Sam's stores, and import shops, and you ought to be

    able to find pretty much anything you really need.

    (ooh, proplerly made fresh apple pie might be a bit impossible, but they make these wonderful apple tarts that you might like - and a proper turkey dinner for Thanksgiving might be hard to find, too.)

    And, I agree with Barcelonaman and Digame...just embrace the local goodies, you won't miss things too much.

    And, B-man...learn how to make your own pancakes from's really simple, and much less expensive!   Then you only have to pay for the Log Cabin syrup!  (or maybe find some REAL maple syrup...You might be able to find that at Sam's).

  3. why are you moving to spain if you want american food??!!!

    is there really some kind of american food that you are afraid you'll miss? or are you afraid to try new types of food?

    spanish food is wonderful. they grow a lot of the vegetables for europe (and probably keep the best for themselves) and the meat and poultry are not pumped up with loads of artificial junk.

    and the fish and seafood? wonderful.

    leave the burgers behind!

  4. I live in a very rural area of Andalucia. I come from the UK. I can get anything here I get in the UK.

    You can buy any American alcohol you like, but why would you. This is a fantastic country for food and drink. Just come here and enjoy it.

  5. First, to where in Spain are you moving? If to a small town or smaller city you'll have much more difficulty finding the things you like.

    But in this global market you can find just about every "American" food here in Spain's cities, even pancake mix and syrup, peanut butter, and even "American style pizza", Coke and Sprite, Apple pie with vanilla ice cream, and on and on.

    Thing is, the food in Spain is so darn good that nearly any "American" food pales in comparison.

    Really, the only thing I can think of right now that you can't find in Spain is blueberry pie - although I'm sure there are a few others. You don't see pretzels around here, that's for sure. I don't think you can find Velveeta cheese here but the cheese they do have is 10 times better.

    You can find odd items not commonly found in supermarkets at The American Store ONLY IN MADRID (web: ) which is where I most commonly buy my pancake mix/syrup and Chex Mix. A kind of pancake mix and syrup can also be found in the El Corte Inglés supermarkets but it's not quite the same as the Betty Crocker or Hungry Jack brands they have at The American Stores.

    As for alcohol, again, they have it all here in Spain. You can buy American whiskeys commonly as well as (yuck!) Budweiser beer. The alcohols, wines, liqueurs, and beers are really so much better in Spain. You'll see.

    Feel free to contact me about this later upon arriving if you like. While I don't tend to buy/eat "American" foods (because I absolutely LOVVVVVE Spanish food) I do like a few items from time to time which I've listed above.

    Saludos, MadridMan(.com)

  6. If you're moving to a big city like Madrid or Barcelona, or near them, I think you won't find any problem to find anything like in the US. But I invite you to forget about US food and try Spanish food. In other things I don't deny you're better than Spain, but in food America is centuries behind Spain. You won't regret of having Spanish food.

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