
What are some anger management tips?

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I started journaling to get my anger out, but it resulted in pages of "I hate xyz, i hate xyz" xyz being somebody I feel anger towards. Is there anything else I can do???





  2. u sound just like me

  3. Exercise



  4. also write down what happened, why, where, who was there, and what you did. you will notice patterns. i kept a diary with symbols to keep it simple. like, eg xyz said this, and i reacted like this, and it resulted in this, and now i feel even worse/better. Patterns will show!

  5. Ask yourself, why you are angry at that person, and just keep going and going until you get to the root source of your anger, it takes alot of hard questions and you have to look deep within yourself to do it, but it is the best way to get to the root of it and usually you will find that the root cause is something you can control....

  6. Learn to forgive those people who have hurt you. It's the toughest thing in the world, but the most rewarding. I know it's hard, but when I start to get an "anger attack" I make a conscious decision to say out loud, "I forgive you, (insert name) and bless you in the name of Jesus." You may not feel it, but say it anyway.

    By forgiving and blessing, you will be heaping coals of fire (conscience) on their heads and not creating more bad karma for yourself, as anger energy only attracts more to you. That's what the Bible means when it says we reap what we sow. Sow forgiveness and love, and life will better for you.

  7. when you get angry thoughts count from 20 down to zero in you head.

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