
What are some aspects of deaf culture that distinguish it from other cultures.?

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What are some aspects of deaf culture that distinguish it from other cultures.?




  1. Other people get frustrated because they forget to face the deaf person to speak.

    anyone who can read sign language can know what they are saying from a distance.

  2. For one thing they do not hear noise in traffic that could warn them of impending trouble. I had a friend that was rear ended by a Deaf person that was driving but was not using their rear view mirror properly in a parking lot, and of course they did not hear the car horn. Perhaps hearing should be required for a person to be able to drive, hey Blind people are not allowed to drive since they are impaired. People with no use of their legs can get hand controls and be every bit as good drivers as those with full use of their legs.

  3. Deaf people often tend to be very plain-spoken, to a degree that many hearing people find somewhat shocking.  It's not uncommon for deaf people to make comments about people's physical attributes when seeing them (flat chest, fat, etc.).

    When deaf people have something slightly uncomfortable to discuss (such as asking for a loan or a favor), they often begin conversations by skipping over the niceties and getting right to the point--THEN they'll visit about inconsequential matters.  Hearing people usually visit a bit first before jumping into such things.

    Deaf friends sometimes engage in verbal "sparring" that seems unfriendly or even rude to hearing people, and if this concept is not taking into account, and their words are taken literally, it can seem offensive.

    There tends to be a higher-than-average amount of promiscuity in the deaf community.  I know that this will be offensive to deaf people who are not that way, but it's true none-the-less.

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