
What are some at home cures for yeast infections & how to tell if you've passed it to your boyfriend?

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I think, because of the symptoms I'm having (i.e. vaginal itching, dryness, and a cottage cheese like discharge + swelling at one point in time), that maybe my pregnancy has caused me to get a yeast infection. I want to know if there are any at home remedies or cures for it before I decide to goto the doctor even though I know that's whats best. I also would like to know how I can tell if I've passed the infection to my boyfriend. What are the signs and symptoms?




  1. From your symptoms it sounds like it could be a bacterial infection - not a yeast infection. You really need to go and find out what kind of infection you have - the treatments are very different. Plus I do not think you want if to affect the baby when it is born - one of the causes of Thrush in newborns I believe.

  2. If you are seeking advice on chronic yeast infections then you definitely want to check out this site.

  3. Yes, you could have passed off your yeast infection to your guy. He would be irritated and sometimes you can see little red bumps on the tip of hi's p***s.

    It sounds to me like you do have a yeast infection. All you have to do is buy the over the counter meds to treat it. You can but the seven day treatment or the three day, like Monistad. But the store brand works the same :) Your guy can use the cream on hi's p***s too. So both of you can apply the cream and abstain from s*x 'till you are through with the treatment.

    Remember that yeast infections are common during pregnancy :)  

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