
What are some awesome car pranks I can do to my friend's car?

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What are some awesome car pranks I can do to my friend's car?




  1. SYRAN WRAP HIS CAR!!! i did that before its harmless and pretty funny to watch them try to unwrap it. and its cheap too.

  2. You could fill The car with packing peanuts up to the roof.

    Also you could put a for sale sign on the car and put their phone number on it, and make the price really low so they'll get a lot of calls. Make sure they are on vacation or gone somewhere so they wont know.

    Jack up your target's car and then put blocks underneath so that the tires are just barely off the ground. And when they step on the gas the wheels will spin and the car will just stay there!

  3. Stick a potato up his exhaust pipe and stand back when he starts his car!

  4. take the steering wheel!

  5. put a dead fish in the engine compartment and the smell will enter the car through the vents for days until he checks under the hood.

  6. 1. Fill the entire car with balloons.

    2. Put confetti in the air vents, so when they turn the air (or heat) on they get sprayed with confetti.

    3. Saran wrap the entire car and then cover the saran wrap with shaving cream

    4. Put shaving cream in the windshield wipers and then put a dot in the middle of their windshield so when they go to get it off their whole windshield gets covered.

    5. If it's a truck, put a tarp down in the bed of the truck. Fill the tarp with water and sand and then put fish in. It's an aquarium in a car.

    6. Put a tarp down on top of the car and fill it with sand. Put barbies on top and make it look like a beach.

    7. Window Paint.

    8. Hide in the backseat of the car with a mask on. Make sure you're really quiet and when the person gets in the car sit up and wrap your arms around them. They'll freak out.

    9. Fill the car with packing peanuts.

    10. Cover the entire car with post-its. If you're really bored, write funny messages on all the post its.

    11. Put a for sale sign on the car.

    12. If you can get the keys, move the car a few spaces away. Or move it completely across the parking lot. Just make sure you stop them before they call the cops.

    13. Go to like a home depot or somewhere that sells wood, buy 4 sheets of plywood, and build a box around the car.

    14. Put confetti in the visor on the drivers side. Then when they pull it down they'll get covered.

    15. Jack the car up, and put cinderblocks underneath so it looks like the tires are touching the ground, but when they try to drive away, they wont go anywhere.

    16. Take those chinese firecrackers (the little ones that pop) and wrap a ton of them together with masking tape, then put it under the tires. It'll make a loud noise, but it's perfectly harmless.

  7. You could buy some kind of paint that comes off with water or something and re-paint the whole car. I dont know if that's any good I just thought of it.

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