
What are some awesome truths for truth or dare? [i don't want any dares]?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my friend [I'm a girl, he's a guy] have been playing truth or dare, without dare, on instant messenger. We're running out of things to ask. Yes they can be disgusting s*x questions. No stupid innocent ones lol. Any help, please don't list dares.




  1. would you rather date (and then say 2 women who are centries dead)

  2. Truth:

    What reality show do you think you could win?

    Discribe your first kiss.

    What was the best advice your mom gave you?

    What is one of your guilty pleasures?

    What is in your pocket right now?

    What ringtone is on your cellphone?

    What thing freaks you out the most?

    What is one thing that you've done infront of your friends that you wish you could erase?

    When was the last time you laughed at someone's joke that you did not think it was funny(who was it and what did they say)?

    Whats one thing that you've done at school that no one knows about?

    Which of your friends mom/dad would you date?

    What annoys you that one of your friend does?

    When was the last time you were jealous of one of your friends? Why?

    Whats the worst thing you've been in trouble for?


    Trade shoes with one of your friends.

    Act out a title of a song(say who its by).

    Do an imitation of a cartoon character.

    Act out a scene from a movie and have one of your friends guess it.

    Sing your favorite childhood song outloud.

    Let the player to your right mix up different foods together, and you eat it.

    Stuff as many grapes in your mouth as you can.

    Let the player to your left and right poke you on the sides 5 times each.

    Go outside and scream something stupid/perverted.

    Sit on a neighbors porch for a minute.

    Prank call a friend you know, or your crush.

    Get your underwear wet and put it in the freezer for an hour, then wear it.

    Ding dong ditch a neighbor.

    Look at a p**n site for 2 minutes.

    Spit and catch it.

    Hula dance.

    Make fake blood, put it on a pad and put it on someones door step.

    Run around someones house nakid.

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