
What are some bad Companys and why?

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I have a project to do about bad companies and why, we have to write a business letter to a bad company and i do not have any problem with none. I AM LOST PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!




  1. Wal-Mart. They do not like paying overtime and if you don't take a lunch, they will dock you the time. They force businesses to move to China so they can skim-off more profits (as American labor is too expensive as are the insurance costs for their employees).

    From a consumer standpoint...

    Stores are typically filthy. Customer service is terrible. They carry a lot of junk food and promote it by selling it for cheap. Their grocery stores sell bad produce and meat - I used to shop at one because I lived in a high-cost area, but then I realized I could get cheaper, better produce from the local farmer and pay just a little more to get better meat.

  2. McDonalds - sponsoring widescale slaugher of animals; biggest garbage producer in the world

    Exxon/Mobil - record-breaking profits every quarter by gouging customers on gasoline prices

    Any Asian fishing corporation - for mass destruction of our oceans by using barbaric, wasteful fishing methods (netting millions of tons of ocean life every day of the year, and dumping 90% of the catch back into the ocean, dead)

  3. Microsoft !

    It has tried to monopolise the computing industry - and the internet  

  4. Lawn companys, they hire to many illegals

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