
What are some basic hints to snowboarding without falling?

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Can you just tell me the basics of snowboarding? I ride goofy and I allways have trouble turning to the left. Also, when I turn to the right, I allways pick up to much speed and I dont know how to stop and i eat **** everytime! So to sum it all up, how to stop and how to turn. please.




  1. First off...dont take a lesson.  Thats lame. Teach yourself!

    Thats what makes snowboarding more fun.  Remeber to always be riding on the edge of your board.  If you dont, you'll pick up speed and bomb it.  For a goofy rider,  Lean on heals to go right and toes to go left.  Toe side is almost always the hardest to learn so find a very long wide, not steap trail and try to carve all the way to the left and then all the way to the right.  Soon you'll be sharper on your curves and faster.

    Good luck and have FUN!

  2. that is because it is a toe side turn

    it takes alot of practice and falling to get that turn down for most people

    try to make really long toe turns that will help you learn quicker hope this helps

  3. Take a lesson!  An instructor will be able to see where you're going wrong and give you tips to fix your technique.

    My guess with the speed and then bail on the right turn is that you are spending too much time along the fall line and then panic and dig your edge in too hard and that kills your turn.

    When you're on the hill use your arm to point where you're going and slowly swing your arm around the turn and your body and then legs and board will follow.  Do that on a gentle slope for a while while you get comfortable and until you can link 6+ turns.

    Since you can't really turn either way go with a lesson.  It might cost a few bucks but it'll clean up your riding and make things make more sense.

  4. take a lesson

    don't go fast cause your just learning

    get a helmet


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