
What are some basics on care of a saltwater aquarium?

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I want to get a fish tank and I wanted to know how much it would cost for a basic start up of one and I want to get a clown fish and what gets along with clown fish? Is there a book or website I can go to see what fish are best together and/or how much of an investment is a fish tank and supplies? Estimate? Thanks.




  1. For your first saltwater tank it will be a surprisingly large investment and take several months before the tank is even ready for fish. For a good saltwater tank (a minimum of 35-40 gallons for clownfish, but as a beginner you should aim for 55 gallons or larger as there's more room for error in water quality in a large volume, and there will be oopsies while you're starting!) you're looking over £1000 (or $1000 depending where you live).

    Go down to your nearest aquatics store and pick up a few marine keeping books - as newly printed as possible to be up to date - pick up some fishkeeping magazines too they usually have marine sections. Join up with a few forums such as and research your socks off! Don't rush to buy a thing before you know the ins and outs of it all!

    You can do saltwater as a beginner, but it will be a very steep learning curve!

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