
What are some batting drills you can do by yourself?

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Just a few little things to improve your hand eye coordination when you're by yourself.




  1. Put a ball in a stocking and tie it to a rafter or somewhere where it will hang low enough for you to hit it then hit away,

    or you could go all Don Bradman on us and hit a golf ball against something using a stump,

    throw a tennis ball against a wall and then hit it when it comes back, that's what I used to do when I was young, and now I play for WA. Get inventive, even the fun silly stuff can help.

    Get a ball and just hit it in the air and see how many times you can hit it before you drop the ball, (remember small and controlled hits) and as you get better, advance to using only the edges of the bat, or walking around the back yard and around objects.

    It takes thousands and thousands of repetitions to get it right.

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