
What are some benefits of waste?

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What are some benefits of waste?




  1. Waste can be re-used elsewhere, for example a large amount of spoil from an excavation can be used to fill another excavation elsewhere.

    Also organic plant waste can be used to create compost or mulch for gardening with.

    I have heard that research is being conducted into how the methane produced by landfilled material could be extracted and used for fuel.

  2. future fossils hopefully minus us.

  3. to convert waste into fossil fuels to power some electricity and save some money.

  4. There are NO benefits of waste.  But there are many benefits to re-using products and resources so they are not wasted such as; less energy required to reform materials from recycled materials than from raw materials, less strain on environment where raw resources are collected, and less land required to collect waste.  More energy gains in the way of gas and combustibles.  More nutrients available for plants to be grown.  Waste is a mentality which is in-efficient.

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