
What are some calm but effectionate reptiles?

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I would like a reptile that will just lay on my sholder, and sit on the couch with me. It cant be to big, but it also cant be very very tiny, like a salemander. I am a first time reptile owner so im not exactly sure what to look for.Thanks for all the help.




  1. definitely beardedragons they will sit on ur shoulder all day so i suggest that um another one is an iguana but thats not calm

  2. Blue tongue skinks are the calmest lizard I've ever seen, even more so than a bearded dragon. Mine will sit in my wife's lap and fall asleep while she rubs it's neck. It will also eat bananas out of your hand. It's a very cool lizard. Bearded dragons are very cool too, but I've found that they can sometimes become a little grumpy if they're kept away from their heat lamp for too long. I highly recommend a northern blue tongue skink. Very easy to care for. We feed ours scrambled eggs or low fat canned cat food mixed with chopped vegetables.

  3. bearded dragons are NOT a good pet reptile the blue tongue skink is a betta reptile the are more placcid ive had both and the bluey is the betta out of the 2

  4. i would go with a leopard gecko there smaller than a bearded dragon and require less work and are social

  5. Bearded dragons are awesome! My bro has one, and he is the BEST! He is very calm, never bitten anyone since we had him (about 2 or 3 yrs) and you can pick them up, put them on your shoulder etc. Bearded dragons are really great pets to have! They eat things like worms, crickets, vegetables, fruits, and I guess mice but you don't HAVE to feed them mice.

    Their very gentle, mello reptiles lol, as you can see.

    This one is an adult, they aren't too big, and not too small.

    Good luck

  6. The blue-tongued skink and bearded dragon are both excellent choices- but you should always be aware that a reptile will never be as affectionate as a dog.

    Leos are a bad suggestion, as they're small, and you're not wanting a small animal. Iguanas are also a bad choice- Green Iguanas can grow to be six feet long, and can be difficult to tame.

  7. Savannah monitor is the most dog-like lizard you will be able to find, you can even potty trane them

  8. Bearded dragons are very cool, but they NEED pinkies.

    If you don't want to feed baby mice to your pet, I'd go with a gecko.

    (Beardies have better personalities than Geckos tho)

  9. you could get a rosy boa they get rarely bigger than 2 feet need only a 15 gallon tank. you could also get a schieder's skink which are small and are very friendly.  

  10. bearded dragonz!! they are cool.but if all you want to get a reptile pet for then i would get one at all....

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