
What are some career options for Geography?

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What courses do i need to take in order to study Geography for post-secondary?

And what are some careers I can seek after taking geo?




  1. The school that I attend Southern Illinois University Edwardsville where I attend requires:

    Geog 201 (required) - World Regions

    Geog 205 (required) - Human Geography

    Geog 210 (required) - Physical Geography

    Geog 320 (required) - Cartography

    Geog 321 (required) - Quantitative Techniques

    Geog 499 (required) - Senior Assignment

    also some suggestions would be:

    regional geography classes such as geography of Europe

    two human geography courses such as Urban Geography, and Geography of Development

    two physical geography classes such as Geog 314 - Climatology and Geog 412 - Groundwater Hydrology

    also highly suggested for growing careers in the GIS area would be to take several (Techniques) courses such as:

    Geog 322 - Air Photo Interpretation

    Geog 418 - Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

    Geog 419 - Thematic Cartography

    Geog 422 - Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing

    Geog 423 - Computer Mapping

    Geog 424 - Vector Based Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

    Geog 425 - Raster Based Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

    Geog 450 - Topics in Geography (techniques topic)

    which are the options at my school.

    Well if your post-secondary you should know what careers are available but the best jobs in geography are related to some form of GIS or Geography Information Systems.  Career titles may include but are not limited to GIS Analyst 1-5.  5 being the highest where you could potentially make over $100,000 a year will necessary training and a masters degree/certification.

    Other career options are:

    GIS ANALYST (again) Geographic Information systems Analyst who use databases to update maps, determine risk of building in a particular area, and also making maps that determine traffic count to name a few (this is probably the best area to get into for Geography (It is considered the HOT JOB AS OF NOW) GIS Analyst are needed everywhere from Anchorage, Alaska to Portland, Maine to all over the world.

    Cartographer (map maker) reasonable salary

    Urban planner usually works in metropolitan areas to determine where places should be build and the political boundaries to place buildings (good salary and a growing career field)


    Meteorologist (very good salary),

    Geography teacher,

    University professor (obviously a very good salary but requires a Doctorate degree)

    Volcanologist (not sure on salary)

    many other options out there as well hope this is helpful but only remember that these classes are at SIUE in the Metro East part of the Saint Louis Metro Area.  The geography department here is good but other department are not very good specifically the School of Business the lie about being one of the best school in the country.  They are horrible and don't care about their students.   On the other hand the Geography department is very helpful and the DO CARE ABOUT THE STUDENTS.  Hope this answered your question

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