
What are some careers that are animal related??

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like zoology and veterinarians....




  1. There are also careers in Animal Science which majors in many fields like animal husbandry, animal nutrition, etc.  

  2. An interesting career that is not particularly well known is hippotherapy. A practitioner would essentially use horses and horseback riding as therapy for physically and mentally challenged adults and children.

    Hippotherapy centers are located all around the country with more being established since the therapy is so effective. I have seen accounts of 8 yr. old children who'd hardly spoken a word in their entire life who began talking excitedly to their horse and then other people.

    It can be especially effective in helping people with CP or amputations learn to walk better. The same muscles people use to walk are the muscles that are in motion while riding a horse. The results of hippotherapy are astonishing. You might want to check it out.

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