
What are some cargo items that are transported by train?

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Okay so I am writing a 5 page paper, and it would help if I could provide and example of items that are transported by train, other than humans. I need a link that tells me so I can add it to my bibliography.




  1. Coal, Logs, Food..

    Basically everything.

    Google: Train Cargo items

  2. In Australia - Coal from La Trobe Valey for local electricity generation.

    Wheat from western Victoria for export.

    Iron Ore from Western Australia for local & export use.

    Sugar Cane in Queensland for local & export use.

  3. There are many things transported by rail. Many industrial items such as cars, lumber and oil arrive at their destination by train.  The military also uses rail system to transport a large majority of their equiptment, including tanks, humvees and ammo. Many agri-products are hauled by rail, too.  Everything from grain to tractors. will also be a good resource to you.  In the markets and services tab, it will tell a description of what this company carries.

  4. Almost anything can be shipped by train,  as shown by the wide variety of rail car types.    It is most economical to ship rail bulk items in large quantity,  such as coal,  chemicals,  lumber,  grain,  etc.     Often times,  smaller quantities with extended delivery schedule can also be loaded on a truck trailer,  which is then put on the rail for transport and then delivered by truck.

    Check the links for useful info,    I'm not going to write your paper for you.

  5. everything that is in your house comes by rail or is shipped by rail one way or the other

  6. Here's the deal - a truck can go faster than a train because it can go from one place to another directly, without having to stop at rail yards and switch trains before arriving at the customer.  However, trucks are smaller than trains, and since each truck needs a driver but a train car can carry hundreds of truck's worth of stuff with just one driver, personnel costs are higher with trucks.  Truckers don't have to pay for the road (except for tolls), but railway is cheaper to build than roads, so the cost difference is minimal.

    So, basically, if you need a little bit of something and you need it fast, like lettuce to a store, use a truck.  If you need a lot of something and speed isn't that big of an issue, then use trains.  Trucks will carry produce that will spoil quickly, like lettuce, refrigerated meat, or other things like that, and trains carry the potatoes and frozen food to warehouses, and trucks go from there to the stores and restaurants.  Huge amounts of sand, grain, coal, and other bulk products go by train because it would take too many trucks to carry it all.  Another thing you will see on trains these days is trash - containers of garbage, boxcars of used paper or plastic to be recycled, gondola cars full of scrap steel and crushed cars - all bulk cargo that is not in any hurry to get where it's going.

    Usually, trucks will carry containers from ships, but if there are direct rail lines at the port, the train will carry a huge amount of containers from the port, and stop at 4 or 5 points across the nation to unload and let trucks take the cargo the rest of the way to the customer.

    If you are shipping enourmous amounts of stuff, like grain from several farms or ores from a mine, you will use barges on a river.  Very slow, but very cheap and can haul a LOT.

    So, just take this answer and add 4 more pages, and you're done.

  7. Bulk items like coal, stone, oil, chemicals, timber, steel (rolled, girders, etc.), also containers.

    Also engineering materials for maintenance of the railway itself e.g. rails, ballast, sleepers, points and signalling equipment, catenary (support structure for overhead wires), etc.

    Also parcels, vehicle parts, military equipment, etc.

    Some links below to UK rail freight operating companies:

  8. The spent nuclear waste from nuclear reactors is shipped on rails to different locations in Nevada and Utah.

  9. Nuculear waste.

    Railway lines


    Iron Ore

  10. Illegal immigrants, Chinese imports, food, drink and f**s.

  11. Go to  Can answer all of the questions you can think of and give you facts, statistics.and other data.

  12. this some cargo items that you need . food that they transport from state to another state,     cars for everyday used and  gas, one more thing gold mines they used train to transport there toxic waiste.

  13. The general rule of thumb for a class 1 railroad. If it will fit on a rail car platform for inside a box car they can haul it. From coal, cars and trucks, grain, consumer goods, they even have rail cars that will haul a fully loaded 18 wheeler trailer full of good. They have standard cars and specialty cars. I watch every Sunday as parts of airplanes come through he yards on special cars. Have a look at the links i have provided. There is some great information listed about each of the class 1 railroads.

  14. Think of everything you use, buy, eat etc. and that is basically what is transported by rail.

    It is the most economical way to transport goods around the country.

    i.e one grain train will take the place of about 430 semi's, a coal train about 600 and a train transporting vehicles about 72 car transporters.


    There's a bunch of items that are transported by train, I doubt that you can't even think of a whole list.

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