
What are some causes and consequences of a divorce? ?

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  1. in my case it was physical and emotional abuse, and infidelity... does it get worse than that??

    consequenses are losing things you have each worked hard for, and if kids are involved, breaking up their family...

  2. Unfaithfulness by one party or both.

    Consequences-family torn apart. Kids have no place to go home to for the holidays.

  3. I am a believer in divorce  for extreme reasons and extreme reasons only...So that being said...if a divorce happens over extreme reasons then even for the children they are better off than if they are say with an abusive parent.  And if an affair has been committed, hopefully just because a man doesn't make a good husband, he can be a good dad still...and likewise, if the woman doesn't make a good wife, she still can be a good mom.  Although it is hard on kids, depending on the reasons for it, sometimes it is better for them as well that it happens.  Marriage is meant to be a commitment for life, so no one should enter it lightly thinking there is always an exit door if does not work out.  But, when the reasons are well founded, then that is what that provision is for.  

  4. The causes of divorce are that at least one (probably both) of the spouses is being selfish.  The consequences are emotional pain and distress.  If you are a child in the family (depending on your age) you will probably think that it is your fault, It is Most Definitely Not!  If it is a case where one of the spouses is being abusive, then the divorce probably needs to happen but it would be better if counseling was attempted first.  Abuse is Definitely Not OK!  

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