
What are some causes for distortion or bias in the news?

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The media doesn't seem to be very accurate anymore and they leave out important information.




  1. Some bias in news is intentional, as in the case of just about any media outlet owned by Rupert Murdoch.

    Other accuracy issues can be traced to a shortage of newsroom personnel. Newsrooms have been shedding staff in the wake of budget cuts, particularly in the area of copy editors.

    Back in the day, copy editors were the last set of eyes to check copy for errors and ambiguity before the presses rolled.Now they are on the endangered species list.

  2. Cheap-skate ghostly stories.

    Created by tribe with non-existence rights of original descendant as tribe of rudeness tribe.

    With unruly behaviour, self prides, self rudeness, self image of standing idol, self discrimination as people of different races of self racism with self lack of knowledge.

    When the dead Mummy with whiff of rotten stench of empty skeleton of skull and bones could not even think with total loss of IQ nor see with two empty eye sockets.

    Eerily wailing in ghostly kitchen's dialect with ghostly and deadly words from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom with self lack of knowledge.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  3. Don't bother with Mainstream Media at all.  They are all owned by huge corporations and the military industrial complex.  

    Just get your news from the internet and from websites that provide an unbiased and an objective way.

  4. Noam described mass media as a very effective propaganda mechanism that is not recognized generally as propaganda. That's what makes it effective.

    The media systematically excludes or minimizes certain topics outside a spectrum of topics but allows vigorous discussion within that spectrum.

    For a list of topics that are not on the table see:

    Another couple of topics that are frozen out of discussion includes:

    - Ralph Nader Candidacy 2008

    - The 9/11 Truth Movement

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