
What are some causes for not having your period and your not pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't had my period for 5 months and i took 2 pregnancy tests at 2 different offices and I'm not pregnant i have gained 20 pounds ; ( but i still haven't started my doc keeps blaming it on my weight but haven't done any tests does anyone have any idea what might be wrong?




  1. Two causes come to mind: being under-weight, and being stressed out.

    The stressed-out one is pretty interesting. Generally speaking, the more you worry about not getting your period, the more *likely* it is that you won't get it. It's kind of evil like that but what can you do.

    Talk to your doctor and have him do general tests. I recommend a standard chem-panel, CBC, and a hormonal profile. Those are pretty standard tests and their results will almost certainly point to the cause of this situation.

    Good luck.

  2. yea, weight differences, stress, irregularity

  3. i think ur doctor is stupid get a new doctor get some blood work done

  4. Stress can be a factor but usually it's hormones.

    Also sometimes body weight is a factor. Very thin women (like models) and very heavy people don't menstruate because there is a chemical stored in fat that is similar to estrogen and too much or too little body fat fakes out your body.

  5. Stress, hormonal pills like birth control, improper nutrition, menopause =P hhaaha.. sorry.  I thought that was clever.

    Um, yeah, that's all I can think of.

  6. Stress, lack of sleep, extreme changes in sleeping schedule, not getting the right nutrition (not eating regularly or enough)

  7. See another GYN and have some more tests done such as blood work for hormone levels and sonograms etc.  

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