
What are some character traits of each of the zodiac signs (for men)?

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Is there a website or can someone list some things off the top or your head? I'm trying to figure our what someone's sign is.

Please do not post some c**p on here about how I shouldn't be "basing my life" on this stuff. I don't, and I don't need useless answers.





  1. character traits huh... ok well heres how you will know which group someone is in deciding what sign they are is a little trickier though but heres the basics...

    air signs- talk a lot

    water signs- observe the room

    earth signs- and the joke tellers, but laid back, in other words unlike a fire sign they do not do it for attention and you can tell

    fire signs- are loud and brash

    ok now induvidually goes a little something like this... you see a guy who...

    is... getting a girls number then moving on to someone new, hes probably an aires.

    is... smiling a lot around a group of girls playfuly teasing them or sitting telling jokes to his buddies, hes probably a taurus.

    is... floating around talking to everyone with a wicked smile and eyes that seem to flicker, he is probably a gemini.

    is... sitting with the friends he came with all night not moving around to much and you cant tell if he is happy or mad, he is probably a cancer.

    is...talking to people loudly and boldly trying to get a reaction from someone he is probably a leo.

    is...sitting or standing but has eyes locked on one person all night or is only talking to or about that one person, he is probably a scorpio.

    is...silly and dancing a little bit and always seems to be on the move he is probably a virgo.

    is...charming the whole room with stories or free drinks always everyones best pal, he is probably a libra.

    is...waundering around the room dancing with whoever getting numbers and doing lot of talking with everyone, but still always checking his phone cause it rings a lot, he is probably a saggitarus.

    is...charming and sweet but also likes to wander around meeting people and making his presence known, he is probably a cappricorn.

    is...quietly engaged in conversation with one person laughing and whispering to each other one minute, then talking and charming the rest of his group of friends the next, he is probably a pisces.

    is...quite but with a presence, he is not shy he is just content but will be engaged with someone and is intensly fixed on that person, he is probably a aquarius.

  2. aries: enthusiastic, hot, manly

    taurus: loving, down to earth, stable

    gemini: talkative, witty, fashionable, evil look in their eye lol

    cancer: cute, big googly eyes, mysterous

    leo: hot headed, domineering, certain, also masculine

    virgo: critical, boyish, funny

    libra: face always have the 'pleased' look, charming, flirty, likes to talk, give advice

    saggi: funny, outward personailty but secretly shy to women, hard working

    scorpio: intense, boyish, sarcastic

    capricorn: gentle, funny, busy

    aquarius: odd, aloof, few words or  very openly friendly and bubbly

    piscean: open, sensitive, dreamy, seems to understand you/ relate to you empathetic.

    it might be hard topin down his exact sign because his chart influences it :)

  3. just google " {the name of his sign} men" and stuff will come up...ex:// "aries men"

    I know a few:

    Scorpio: passionate, protective, jealous, great in bed

    Gemini: The life of the party, charming, good communicators, "Jeckyl and Hyde" personality, lose interest when bored

    Cancer: Emotional, needy, loving, loyal

  4. aries are stubborn and always wanting to fight.

  5. google it

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