
What are some characteristic of animalia mollusca oligochaeta and why is it classfied in this group?

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What are some characteristic of animalia mollusca oligochaeta and why is it classfied in this group?




  1. The Oligochaetes are not in the phylum Mollusca but are in the phylum Annilida.

    The mollusks do not have segmentation, the Annilida do have segmentation.

    Oligochaetes are:


    ---have a spacious body cavity (coelom) that is used as a hydroskeleton

    ---length ranges from a few centimeters up to 2-3 meters

    ---do not have parapodia

    ---do not have sensory appendages on their prostomium (the most anterior segment of the head)

    ---four bundles of chaete per segment

    ---each bundle of chaete consists of 1 to 25 individual chaete

    ---can extend or retract their chaete by protractor and retractor muscles

    ---most Oligochaetes are detritus feeders

    ---some genera are predaceous

    Check the references for more details.

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