
What are some chat rooms that are safe for my eleven year old daughter?

by  |  earlier

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I know about webkinz and clubpenguin and toon town and other things or little children, but she has proved herself responsible by being a witness in an assult charge and I think that she is responsible enough to handle real chatroos. Don't worry about what the age limit is, just throw out some FREE chatrooms you can go to where she can have a good time talking to people! THANX




  1. Are you really a mom? When you speak in"txt" talk it really seems like your lying, You ARE eleven, and you're just trying to find a good chat room. Anyways NO chatroom is safe.

  2. 11 year olds can have fun WITHOUT chatrooms. Let her try some fun normal websites, that are actually safe. try It is a pretty cool site where she can create her own clothing boutique, and clothes online. They allow people to exchange notes, and comments, but there are restrictions for people under 13.

  3. Your eleven year old should not be in any chatroom with an age limit regardless of how responsible you think she is. She IS a little child. Let her be one instead of pushing her into being some sort of baby adult.

  4. NONE!

    i have and all my duaghters

    MSN its free and can only speak to her friends and if there is someone who wants to be her friend it will ask her and if she knows the addy she will add them.

  5. Why on earth would you want your 11 year old to go on chat rooms? Is she not growing old fast enough for you? She's still a baby let her grow up slowly as God intented.

  6. Tell her that she shouldn't be on so many websites.

  7. none. she is 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. NONE. All chat rooms are dangerous.

  9. There are no safe chat rooms period.

  10. my son goes on and it is fun safe and free

    .you can choose already written or or can talk you make it up

  11. if shes 11 you can try

    but she might be yuong but try it out

    habbo is extermely fun i am on it now yu can be a member for only ten dollars and desing a rooom and stuff if u have any questions just email me

  12. none at ALL!! no matter how responsible or mature your 11 year old is, there are some very deranged and nasty people in chat,who will say ANYthing to a child without a second you really want her subjected to that? my little sis in law is 11 and my daughter is 9, we let them use messenger to talk back and forth and we keep them locked down so no one except  those who are added to their list can im them, otherwise neither are allowed in any sort of public chat room, thats just crazy.

  13. None!

    11 year olds should not be in "free chatrooms" where anyone can be.  It just isn't a very good idea.

    If she wants to chat you should download Yahoo Messenger for her where she can just chat with family and friends.

  14. ok your obviously 11 not a parent. and you should use aim instnat messanger NO chatrooms are safe they are filled with creeps

  15. well there is vmk i remember that was always fun and really safe! but i depends if u want him/her to get hooked on the computer! i also no of a site called gaia wgich is not very safe but it is fun even for me and im 16 well hope this is enough! Good Luck with the kid

  16. A unique person who loves brittny spears? You are a mom with an 11 year old ??? OOOOOKAY.....sure.... remember, you have a profile....

    Stay out of chat rooms kid, there are serious predators out there..... and why are you pretending? seriously.....

  17. honestly i dont think any chat rooms are safe BUT on the other hand ive been using the internet since I was that age and my parents trusted me too.... there alot of good free chat rooms for kids. most of them being on childrens websites like um.... yahoo for kids they have alot of good parental controls an things like that i think its yahooligans or some thing like that. just remember to talk to her about pedifiles they lurk in those kind of chat rooms praying on the lil ones. i think it's good your introdocuing her into the internet world so that she can see what's out there and what the internet has to offer a world full of information and much more. your her mother and if you think she's responsible enough for it then good. just remember to talk to her about what i said above. good luck

  18. At 11, she doesn't need to be in chat rooms...

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