
What are some cheap place i can get for car insurance? this is my first car and im 19?

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i am 19 and getitng my first car, prolly a scion tc 2009.. my monthly payments are outrageous, if someone one can help me out htat would be great! :)




  1. I don't reccomend u getting cheap insurance. You may not be fully covered for accidents and so on. If you happen to crash or ruin your car you might have to put out alot of extra cash to fix the problem. I know your youg but get a good ensurancw like Alstate or mercury.

    At 19 you do t need a new car man. Get a used one for about 5 grand. You still young and you will get tired of your car. Wait a few years untill you have a real job as in career where u do t have to struggle making payments+insurance+gas.  

  2. There is no absolutely answer for your question.However,explorer the information here will give you some ideas.HOpe it helps.

  3. Spend a little more and get good insurance.  With insurance: "you get what you pay for"

    If you get it cheap, your coverage will e cheap as well.

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