
What are some cheats for The Sims2 Double Deluxe?

by  |  earlier

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i already know familyfunds




  1. Here are two helpful codes for you -

    Help -all = shows a bunch of different cheat codes you can use (dont forget the space tho because it won't work)

    Boolprop testingcheatsenabled true = after typing this do shift-click on sim and then it will show all different things  you can do with the sim, including turning them into a vampire, turning them into a robot, giving them a cellphone, giving them a handheld game,  and changing their asperation! :)

    GOOD LUCK! :) :)

             KaTe       :)

  2. hope this helps out cause they work fine for my niece   :)ava06

    Enter these codes during gameplay without pausing. To bring the Cheat Box up press [Control] + [Shift] + [C] at the same time.

    kaching: Adds 1,000 resources to household funds

    motherlode: Adds 50,000 resources to household funds

    exit: Exits cheat mode

    expand: Expands cheat box

    aging off/on: Turns aging off/on for everyone on the lot

  3. These are the basic ones, I don't know if you know any:

    - Motherlode ($50,000)

    - kaching ($1000)

    - move_objects on  (move objects where ever you want)

    - boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true ... then Shift + click on a sim and a lot of other options come up. and if you press Shift + N while you are in Create a Sim, you can use Alien or Mandarin skins

    - slowmotion

    Hope I helped =)


  5. - Motherlode ($50,000)

    - kaching ($1000)

    - move_objects on (move objects where ever you want)

    - boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true ... then Shift + click on a sim and a lot of other options come up. and if you press Shift + N while you are in Create a Sim, you can use Alien or Mandarin skins

    - slowmotion

    Enter these codes during gameplay without pausing. To bring the Cheat Box up press [Control] + [Shift] + [C] at the same time.

    exit: Exits cheat mode

    expand: Expands cheat box

    aging off/on: Turns aging off/on for everyone on the lot

  6. go to cheat planet it has lots of cheats for lots of games

  7. what system is it for go to

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