
What are some cheerleading conditioning ideas?

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I am a cheerleading coach and i want to condition for 45 minutes at practice today. What are some ideas that wont kill the girls but that will give them a good workout and make them sore tomorrow? please help me




  1. you sound just like my coach!!!!!




    -frog jumps

    -core crawls (you put your hands on the floor without bending your knees and walk your hands all the way out to a push up position, do a push up then walk your feet back up without bending your knees..i hate these!! but they really work your abs)

    -hip rolls (this helps a lot with jumping! have your girls sit in a straddle and have them put their left hand in front and their right hand in back and pick up your right leg and make sure your hips are rolled back then do 5 [or however many you want them to do] circles to the back then switch legs then when it comes to both legs put both hands in front and roll your legs at the same time...




    -have a fun conditioning day once and have them do wheel barrow races (like one girl on the ground using her hands to walk and another girl holding their feet) and do fun stuff that really works them...relay races are fun too..

    i really hope I helped!!!! =]

  2.            lol you sound like my coach...I hope your not though. Well at our practices we also condition for about 45 minutes every practice...or at least we try to.

               The one thing all of us girls hate are froggies, their name describes them perfectly. You squat down with your hands on the ground and then you just jump as high as you can throwing your hands up in the air as you do so. We usually do these up and down our mats...and you realllly feel these the next day


               Another one they will definately feel the next day is V Sits. To do these all you do is lay down on the ground (on your back) with your arms above your head and then lift both your arms and legs off the ground and have your arms touch your legs, then go back to the first position. The catch is that when you go back to the first position your arms and legs can't touch the ground.

               Well I hope I helped! lol your girls will probably hate me though! lol

  3. Oh boy, i hope your not my coach..


    Baker's Dozen - 13 sit ups/crunches, flip for 13 push ups, then go down to twelve sit ups, twelve push ups, you get the idea. Have the team count aloud.

    Candlestick - have one girl laying down (face up) and another standing up by her head. Have the girl on the floor grab the other girls ankles, then bring her legs up and then girl standing push her feet down as they come up. Great core exercise. Do about 10-15 of these.

    You can also try a superman sort of thing, have them lay flat on their stomache and lift their arms and legs about and inch or so off the ground andhold it while cheering one of their sidelines.

    Hope I helped (:

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