
What are some chores that a 13 yr old can do??

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What are some chores that a 13 yr old can do??




  1. Most!  washing up, hoovering, changing beds, making hot drinks (with great care), a little basic shopping, starting to use the iron bla bla bla!

    I used to iron my own school uniform at 10 and my children get involved in lots of housework (4 and 5) - they love to hoover and dust and wash up - supervised at all times clearly!

    Part of growing up is to be a helpful member of the family, there is lots most ages can be involved with!

  2. wash dishes

    empty dishwasher

    walk your pet if you have one

    feed pet

    set table

    clear table

    keep room clean

    make bed

    vacume his room

    dust his room

    help carry grocerys in the house and put them away

    keep video game stations clean

  3. Any of them! They are physically capable to do any chore that is not extreme. Mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, raking leaves, ALL interior (in the house) chores.

  4. Wash dishes, set the table, help make dinner, vacuum, mow the law.  Of course it also depends on the child and how much responsibility they can handle.

  5. laundry, wash dishes, take out trash, clean room, dust, clean litter boxes (if you have cats) feed the dogs, make the bed, maybe mow grass,

  6. If the 13-year old isn't scrubbing the house from top to bottom, by now, then he/she isn't doing enough.

  7. A 13 yr old should be able to do just about anything you can do.

  8. Wash dishes(load/unload dishwasher), vacuum, take out garbage, and possibly start doing they're own laundry.

  9. I totally agree with the others that a 13 yr old can do anything that is not physically dangerous (like maybe working under a car!) in and out of the house. For heaven sake, 13 yr olds in the past were married with a kid and working the farm. In some countries TODAY 13 yr olds are responsible for younger siblings or working long hours to support their families! We coddle our kids too much here. I'm not saying to put the lion's share on your 13 yr old, but a few chores are a good thing and just know that they are capable of doing any of them that you need help with!

  10. Wash dishes, sweep and/or vacuum the floors, take out the trash, mow the lawn, rake leaves, clean the bathroom and dusting. These are a few chores that my 15 year old son has being during for the past three years.

  11. my 10 and 11 year olds do every thing, not always to my satisfaction but the point is that they are doing it and learning how.

  12. set the table ,do the dishes , mow the yard , sweep , mop , fluff the cushions , dust , cook , put a load of washing on , clean up the house , get rid of bugs.

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