
What are some classroom practices for teachers you believe are important for promoting a positive classroom le

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what are some classroom practices for teachers you believe are important for promoting a positive classroom learning environment and for providing safty and order for all students




  1. 1.  I'm a big fan of routines.  If you keep a strong routine where the child will know what to expect at each given time, then it gives him stability...and within that stability, he will have confidence to explore and learn within those constraints.  

    2.  A clean and clutter free room:  i don't mean that it should be absolutely neat and is for children...but if everything has a place and its not chaotic, the child will learn where to find activities he wishes to do, where to put them away (yeah--definitely want to teach them to clean) but again, it also gives them stability.  

    3.  Clear concise rules: no hedging, no gray area.  Some of my rules were : Inside voices, soft touches, clean up when you're done, walking feet--all these rules teach respect as well as keep them safe

  2. Your posture will really make a difference. Always keep you head straight. Walk with your chin up. Dress smartly. Never fold your hands while talking. Never hold a marker/duster or book when addressing the class. look into the eyes when while speaking with others. Choose your words carefully and respect each of your students. Motivate your students and compliment them when necessary. Besides the text,teach them lessons for life and encourage them to believe in moral values. Last but not the least, be a good listener.

  3. a calmed one, but, not too calm, someone who will listen and really teach in a simpler way and giving plenty of examples of the subject. someone who knows how  to respond on questions really well.

  4. teaching ethnics so each child is included and knows about the difreance between each others. providing materials from other areas of the world so the understand this also. providing a calm and friendly environment and encourage the mixing between male and female, group work and individule, indoor and outdoor play.

  5. Spend more time catching your students doing the right thing than you do catching them making mistakes.

    Always state rules in terms of what you want the students to do instead of "no" and "don't".

    Don't assume children know how to act or behave. If you have expectations directly teach classroom behavior. Talk, model and practice these behaviors. Use simple routines for daily activities that students can learn. Practice!

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