
What are some cliche things that supposedly happen in middle school or high school? Like swirlys and stuff?

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Like dunking peoples heads in toilets, sticking them in a locker, and stuffing them in trash cans. Things that don't really happen anymore, or people say they happen when they really don't. please answer wth anything you can think of, thanks!




  1. um noone does that stuff...if they do then they get expelled or w/e

  2. at the school i just graduated from, the city park is right across the street from the high school, and a while back they used to throw freshman in there


  3. haha well i saw a freshman get stuffed into a trash can, but he was trying to be all cool and back talking the upper classmen.

    and on the last day of school in softball i almost got a swirly [it was joking though] but we were all just joking around.

    dont be scared just be nice and be your self! :)

  4. Some kids like to bring the stink bombs, light them up in the hallway, and many kids begin screaming or talking loudly because the stench is of human gas. Others bring bullfrogs and let them loose in the hallway, and the girls' screeches are horribly loud. Some kids will take sanitary pads, put ketchup on them, and throw them closest to the ladies bathroom area.

  5. Getting touched by the janitor in his closet.

  6. I never seen any of those things when I was in middle or high school.  Worst thing I ever see happen in middle or high school is fighting.  That's about it...

  7. Fights fights fights.  They really do happen.  Go to You-Tube and put it in a search.  Also Senior Sluff day and pranks of stealing another schools mascot.  Oh yeah and lots of flirting and s*x!  lots of s*x.

  8. incredibly mean teachers.

    they cant get away as much anymore.

  9. Umm it really matters where you go to school.

    but yeah at my high school they throw batteries at you.

    and put freshman in the trashcans  

  10. at my school the upperclassmen sold "elevator passes" to the freshman (because there is no such thing as an elevator pass at our school).

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