
What are some close encounters you've had with death?

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Tell us you're story's of how close you've came to facing death.




  1. I got dragged off the back of my lobster boat when I was a kid; went down into 60 feet of water with a line wrapped around my ankle. I was under for 4 minutes or so. I passed out before the captain could get me to the surface, but he got me breathing again before my heart stopped.

  2. Parachute didn't deploy correctly.

    30 feet directly below a lightning strike.

    Fell through the ice and sank to the bottom of a pond.

    Almost went through ice on river (stupid thing ten year olds do)

    My ex-girlfriend

    A couple other incidents, for which the statute of limitations has not yet expired.

  3. Serious brain lining infection, coma and blood clots in the brain, but remember very little of main events. Pre events: was recovering from flue, had hiccups day and a half and room starting to spin.

  4. I worked as a nurse for 9 years and saw many people die. Some of the deaths were absolutely wretched - alcoholics dying of liver disease, people with emphysema gasping for breath for weeks, people with colon cancer vomiting ****, and like stuff.

    As for my own death, I attempted suicide 10 times, and the last two attempts were very painful. What else do you want to know?

  5. car accident

  6. I had a drunk driver drive through my parents house in Washington state, into my bed room, destroyed my box springs  in my bed and i was knocked out for a while.  I came to when the cops broke my bedroom window.  The drunk driver died.  I made the Seattle news that day, it was my 15 minutes of fame.

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