
What are some close things to do to pavones COSTA RICA?? like driving distance 2 hours or so????

by Guest56568  |  earlier

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I am going 2 be there for 2 weeks with my boyfiend and want some fun activities! please let me know... what cities are close?




  1. For the ultimate surfer vacation, the tiny beachfront community of Pavones along Costa Rica’s southern Pacific Coast is the perfect destination for those who want to catch some of the best long waves in the world. Waves here hit their peak during Costa Rica’s rainy season (April to October) and with an excellent left point where waves hold their shape, the swells here are ideal for the serious surfer

  2. Definately take some surfing lessons while there. You can take a boat over to the Osa Peninsula and visit some of the great lodges there, have a drink high up in the rain forest at Lapa Rios. Just outside Golfito is an amazing place, run by a couple from California, where they take in all sorts of monkeys, macaws, sloths, jaguarudi, etc. that have been injured or abandoned. It's a really fantastic place. We loved playing with the monkeys.

    There is a beautiful orchid farm with all sorts of amazing plants nearby too. Renting a small boat is your quickest way around as the roads are pretty bad so it's slow going.

    You could also hike into Corcovado National Park or zip line through the rain forest. You will find plenty to do there. There are lots of agencies offering all kinds of trips.

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