
What are some clothing companies or materials that harm the wildlife?

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I am a big naturalist and i would like to make sure none of my clothing harmed the wildlife in any way!




  1. just try to wear mostly cotton!  any leather or fur is not good, and they did a faux fur test not too long ago, and found out that a lot of it really wasn't 'faux'... so just stay away from those, and you will be good... mostly I'm sure!

    Hope I could help you!

  2. anything that makes fur coats.

  3. Obviously staying away from fur and leather is a good start.  Also be careful with anything made in China.  Their label laws are a joke.

    The manufacturing of cotton clothing has been a hotbed of debate over the last decade.  Many makers have begun to step up their environmental protection efforts though.  The link below is a good starting guide for eco-friendly clothing across the board.  Shirts, to jackets, to fleece pullovers.

    Patagonia (the brand, not the region) has some neat links on how to go about clothing shopping with sound environmental practices in mind.

    Hope this helps.  Good luck.

  4. actually the way cotton is made is horrible for the environment...unless it is organic cotton.  There was a great article about this in Audobon magazine a couple years ago...and it really shocked everyone.  Here are a few articles on  cotton:

  5. Don't buy anything from China labeled as 'faux fur'. It's most likely to be real animal fur as there's no label laws for clothing over there.

    Avoid wool. I used to think wool was alright because they just sheared the sheep; wrong. These sheep are abused through a practice called 'mulesing' in which their tails and rear ends are cut, and many males are castrated.

    Avoid leather. Many of the animals used for leather are not even put to death first, but are left to die 'enroute' of the skinning process.

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