
What are some common behavior disorders?

by  |  earlier

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and can i have a little info on it and how parents can help children with them




  1. Behavior disorders (so,etimes called conduct disorders) refer to  specific group of "disabilities" such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder.  There is some debate about  whether or not these conditions are actually a disability or whether they are based on learned behavoior/choices etc.  My school district does not recognize conduct disorders.

    Now there are other disorders that can cause behavior problems, and each of them can be dealt with individually.  Bipolar disorder, ADHD, autism, etc all have some "typical" behaviors they manifest.

    I hope this is helpful.

  2. ADHD, ADD

  3. in my experience, disruptive behaviors usually come second to a specific diagnosis, and they are often an attemt to communicate. as for how parents can help their children, that would really depend on the behavior. try to find out what the child is trying to communicate. are they bored, frustrated, tired, hungry, etc.? then try to show them a more appropriate way to express that.

  4. (should have, not should of)

    oppositional defiant

    passive aggressive

    then the more violent ones too

  5. I am a Special Education Teacher; you may email me at and I can try to answer any questions you may have. Your question is open to such a broad range of answers; I think emailing or IMing would be a more beneficial way for you to find the answers you really need. The others who have answered your question have hit on a few strong areas that may lead you in the right direction. A child with negative bahvaviors is a "discouraged child" - that came from a source other than myself and I can not pinponit it. Anyhow, look for what comes before the behavior (antecedent), look at the behavior itself, and look what comes after the behavior. If you gave me 1 scenario and a tad of "family life" info. I would have a better clue as to where to direct you (ie. communcation, negative behaviors learned though reinforcement, conduct/behavior disorders, psy. disorders, learning disabilities, adhd's etc, "single child syndrome", neglect, or other serious disabilities as in asperbergers/autism/pdd. etc...

    Sorry i just keep going on and on.. email me if you'd like to chat. This is a topic that I work with daily as a teacher as well as in my current studies. Best of luck

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