
What are some common breeds for black and red chickens in the United States?

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What are some common breeds for black and red chickens in the United States?




  1. RED_ Silkies, Cochin, Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire Reds, Red s*x-Link, Red Leghorn, Red Games,

    BLACK_Silkies, Cochins, Black Japanese, Black Rosecomb, Black Australop, Black Giants, Black s*x-Link, Games,

    RED/BLACK combo_Games,Rocks,Sebright,Araucana/Amer...

    I am sure there are others,but thats all I can think of off the top of my head.Hope that helps.

  2. Black chickens: Black s*x-Link, New Hampshire x Barred Rock, Barred Plymouth Rocks

    Red Chickens: Shaver Red s*x-Link, Road Island Red, R.I.Red x Columbian Rock

    I've had all of these chickens before and they are all hardy, healthy, attractive chickens, but my favourite would have to be the Barred Plymouth Rocks males.

  3. My Daddy has had red chickens that were Rhode Island Reds.  He had black and white ones that were Domineckers.  He also had red chickens with black tails that we called Game Chickens.  Hope I helped at least a little

  4. Rhode Island Reds are the best known, I believe.

    All of the below can have red/black markings, but I don't know how commonly available they are in the USA.

    Australorp Cornish

    Redcap Sussex





    Here's a link (no photos though, sorry. :( )

    Edit: the colourings of chickens can vary widely even within a breed, so it might be tricky to get the exact markings you're looking for.

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