
What are some common irish traits?

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What are some common irish traits?




  1. Sweet, Charming, Bold, Handsome, and modest too.

    I don't know why people think green eyes are an Irish trait.

  2. Breathing, eating, sleeping.

    Beyond this; its dangerous and incorrect to generalise.

  3. Red hair, love poetry, hate the English. Many of them are Catholic, too.

  4. my new son in law was born in Ireland, and fits none of the above "traits".  I think if he were asked about American traits, he would say that people here LOVE TO STEREOTYPE.

    I agree with him on that.

  5. Drinking cant be ignored.Tough people, hard workers.Good at fighting and quick tempers.Im sure theres many good traits i cant think of right now.

  6. What do you mean the stereo type?


    Red hair, freckles, green eyes

    Dark Irish:

    Black hair, pale skin (freckles?) blue eyes.

  7. love for drinking and yelling and having babies

  8. slightly upturned nose, blonde/light brown/ red hair, Fair skin, freckles...  the men are usually stocky.

  9. getting drunk easily.... im irish

  10. a liking for booze, potatoes, religion and pregnancy.

  11. In traveling the area in the 90s, in physical traits, I would say the vast majority of men are 5-6 to 5-8 in height, women about 5-2 to 5-4.  Most have brown hair, light or sallow skin and blue eyes.  

    In a stastical survey done in the 40s, it was shown that 40% had dark brown hair, 35% had medium brown, 15% had light brown or blond while only 10% had red hair.  42% of the population had blue eyes with another 30% having light/mixed color eyes.

    I'm sure it is changing now, what with the influx of immigrants due to the Celtic Tiger economy.  

    And, as for other traits, they are just like everyone else.  It varies from person to person.  Except that they are some of the friendliest people I've ever met!

  12. i only know my families and that is don't pick of any of us as we are all quick tempered and we have lots of red heads in the family and boy are they the worse at firing up

  13. Well according to my wife who married one: good looking, great lovers, wonderful with children, caring, and always ready for a fight.

  14. My family has lived in County Cork since the thirteenth century.  I am a fifth generation Irish American.  We trace our lineage on both sides for all generations to Ireland.  Yet, despite all the condescending stereotypes about drinking, hot tempered and the like,  there are only two common Irish traits.

    The Irish are the friendliest and most hospitable people on the earth.  And,  they are the most trustworthy.

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