
What are some common migraine triggers?

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What are some common migraine triggers?




  1. Alcohol, particularly red wine.







    Everyone's are different; a lot of caffeine late at night is a trigger for me, for my dad it's white chocolate.

  2. 1. Changes in Weather or Air Pressure

    Humidity, changes in atmospheric pressure, rapid fluctuations in temperature, or exposure to extreme heat or cold can all bring on migraines.

    2. Light

    Bright sunlight, strong or glaring light, reflections, fluorescent lights, or flickering lights from a television or computer screen can contribute to migraines.

    3. Hormone Fluctuations and Menstrual Cycles

    In many women, migraines begin immediately before or during their period. Migraines also tend to be more prevalent during treatment with artificial hormones such as birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy.

    4. Certain Foods

    Foods that tend to bring on migraines include processed meats, red wine or port, beer, dried fish, broad beans, fermented cheeses, chocolate, aspartame (an artificial sweetener found in diet sodas and light yogurts) and MSG .

    5. Smells, Odors or Fumes

    If you suffer from migraines, you may be particularly sensitive to certain smells from products such as cigarettes, perfumes and cleaning products.

    6. Motion Travel

    This will be most likely to trigger migraines in individuals who tend to suffer from motion sickness.

    7. Loud or sudden Noises

    Noises can contribute to or aggravate migraine.

    8. Dieting and Eating Habits

    Any changes in diet or eating habits, such as fasting or skipping meals, can trigger a migraine.

    9. Changes in Sleeping Habits

    10. Overuse of Headache Pain Medications

    This can lead to rebound headaches.

    11. Emotional Stress

    While it has been debated whether stress is actually a trigger, it is clear that stress can lower your body's natural defenses, aggravating your migraine.

    12. Intense Physical Exertion

    Be careful with exercising - excessive amounts of physical activity can bring on migraine. Migraines can even be triggered by physical activities such as bowel movements and s*x.

  3. odors

    overly sugared foods


    a bad night of sleep

    these are some that really get my head hurting

  4. I've had migraines since I was 14 and I've seen a lot of weird ones =/


    Lack of Sleep

    Stress (big one for me)

    Red Wine, Caffeine, Chocolate

    Bright Lights, Loud Noises

    Harsh chemicals, fumes (like from paint)

    Changes in Atmospheric pressure (Weather conditions)

    Too much sugar/salt

    Poor bowel movements

    Not enough water


    Poor nutrition (changes in diet)

    Too much pain medication (almost a rebound migraine)

    Foods with MSG

    Head and neck injuries/strain

    Eye strain (improper or no prescription)

    Intense physical activity


    Yuck, just reading that over makes my head prickle =/ It takes a while to determine what might be causing yours. I kept a "migraine journal" for a while and tried to figure out a pattern.

    To deal with it, I just pop a few Advils (I tried Tylenol Extra strength to no avail) when I see an aura and [try to] go to sleep.

    Hope that helps!

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