
What are some common sources for thermal energy?

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What are some common sources for thermal energy?




  1. Hello

    Everythin is from Earth.



    3. Oil

    etc etc.

  2. The earth 10-20 feet below you

    Methane, ethane, propane, butane




    Combustion of grown "stuff" like wood

    Nuclear Fission

    Electric currents heating a filament

  3. Oil, Coal, Natural Gas.

  4. Thermal Energy? Do You mean Geo-Thermal?

    Geo-Thermal is utilized by drilling 4 100 feet columns in your land and placing copper tubing in them to "store" the energy. The system is 2 way. That is you can extract heat from the earth or use the ~55 degree temperature to cool your house in the summer. The systems cost over $10,000, however payback in the long term especially if you have a larger dwelling.

    You can accomplish similar effects by building most of your home underground. A properly designed geothermal home is very energy efficient. Instead of $150/month electric bills, you might have $400/yr electricity costs.

  5. Well, that depends on whether you are asking about thermal energy in general, or purposed energy for use in performing work.

    Generally, everything generates heat (thermal energy), either by purpose, or as waste. Your body generates heat to maintain its functioning. Lightbulbs generate heat as the waste from generating light. Friction generates heat as the molecules of each material grind against each other. The sun generates heat because it's a big ball of fire. Because the Earth has been around for the last 5 billion years roasting under the sun, everything on it has been warmed by it, and is constantly in the process of radiating that heat back into the universe. Geothermal heating and electricity rely on that very process, tapping into the temperature differences in the interior of the earth.

    Scientifically, thermal energy arises from chemical reactions, and is consumed by them too. Burning is a type of chemical reaction that releases heat. Cooking food is a type of reaction that absorbs heat (the food changes structurally and chemically by absorbing the heat of the stove).

    In terms of using thermal energy to do work, there are a wide range of applications that vary widely in sophistication, from burning wood, charcoal, or gas for cooking, to any of a number of generator setups using resources from steam to petroleum to nuclear fissionable material to generate motion and/or electricity.

    Most people don't realize that nuclear reactors are just great big steam engines like an old fashioned railroad engine. The only difference is that a nuclear power plant uses splitting atoms to generate very very very hot steam in large quantities. But, on the other end they are exactly the same - the steam pushes a piston or rotates a turbine.

    Finally, heat can be an end unto itself, in terms of warming a house, or heating water. In this case, there are a number of methods of turning energy into heat, which range from burning gas to heat a tank of water to using electricity to power more complex heat transforming appliances like air-conditioning.

  6. Underground!  I know people who have built their home with a thermal heating system.  It warms the house in the winter AND cools it in the summer.  Definitely a way to go!

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