
What are some common things that cause bad breath? ?

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and don't say garlic, i mean like infections, medicines, dry mouth and so on. if you have dry mouth from medicine that you need to continue to take what can you do to make it better besides regular brushing, flossing, gum, etc....i mean to make it go away!




  1. 1. Get a professional dental cleaning every six months, no exceptions

    2. Use an electric tooth brush

    3. Brush your tongue and roof of your mouth. That's where most of the bacteria is which cause the smell.

    4. Eat pineapples

  2. I have God awful breath and all the usual doesn't work.  Now, we've known that I've had a fungal issue which we also can't resolve.  Then, recently, I had a bad reaction after an amalgam filling was drilled and I researched mercury poisoning.  It seems that the fungus wont' cure until after the mercury is.  Both conditions can cause very bad breath.  You can have your doctor check you for both conditions but they may not want to as they are both controversial issues.  I would suggest to compare symptoms to both conditions and present this to your doctor and ask to be evaluated for both.  

    I'm working on that theory for myself right now.

    God bless and Good luck  \\

    more info on mercury from amalgams at

  3. I had bad breath for a while.  It was driving me nuts.  I was brushing my teeth like crazy, avoiding "smelly foods," gargling, using special toothpaste and washes.  I was so frustrated b/c my bf was saying, it still stinks.  Turns out it was the fish oil vitamin I was taking.  Fish Oil is good for you, but in that form, it wasn't worth the stink!!!  

  4. Periodontal disease can cause a person to have bad breath. You can brush floss and use mouthwash all you want but it doesn't help. Basically either your gums are infected or it can be genetically pass down to you. It is treatable a dentist has to clean under your teeth. You'd have to have regular cleaning every three months.

  5. people may have bad breath out of different reasons.  bad breath cause maybe from a dirty mouth, lack of oral care, gum disease, cavities, dry mouth, medications, smoking, eating garlicky meal or health diseases like stomach related diseases.

    depending on the cause of it bad breath care and treatments may be sought properly.  the best move that you should do is to be able to know the exact cause of your horrible breath.  you can ask the help of your dentist.  

    keeping an eye to proper oral hygiene and practicing oral habits properly can be very helpful in eliminating bad bacteria in the mouth which causes bad breath.  water is of great importance in keeping the mouth hydrated, salivated for it keeps bad bacteria in control.  

    you can also avoid meals that can cause bad breath.  the use of an all natural oral care treatments can be helpful in washing away bad bacteria in the mouth.  and if all commonsense measures does no good, it is better that you seek the help of a doctor, for you might have stomach related illness that causes a foul breath.

    for more tips about getting rid of bad breath visit  

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