
What are some community service projects i could get my organzition involve with?

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What are some community service projects i could get my organzition involve with?




  1. Look at a community program that is just getting by on the funds allotted to them.   Scouts troops, after school programs, little league or the library.  Our library is 1/3 supported by taxes, the rest is done through private means. My organization has adopted that as one of our ongoing projects.  We help with fund raising, staff support, cleaning and anything else that is lacking. This works because we can see the results, it is community orientated and benefits all ages.

  2. Have you seen the high school graduation rates in this country? They are awful! I vote for mentoring and some rewards for students since they seem to need motivation.

  3. both of the above sound great to me, I volunteer at the Art Institute

  4. 1 - Clean up area parks or playgrounds

    2 - Adopt-A-Roadway/HIghway

    3 - Adopt an elderly or handicapped person and perform simple maintenance and spring clean-up

    4 - Organize a blood drive

    5 - Receive non-perishable food and donate to foodbank or shelter

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