
What are some companies that deforest rainforests?

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What are some companies that deforest rainforests?




  1. Oil companies are some of the worst. Not sure which ones though.

  2. indigenous farmers—slash & burn farming


    Some say "poor" (I assume you base that designation on a assumed standard of living seen in "developed" countries).  Does the designation of "poor" to the individuals causing the deforestation make the deforestation that is being done"OK" (and not "OK" when you thought it was a Big Bad Oil Company)?

  3. Rainforest action network

    will have most of your answers, eg U.S. agribusiness giants ADM, Bunge and Cargill are establishing soy and palm oil plantations in place of rainforest

    Don't ignore your local deforestation, eg Andrex/kleenex using old growth forest.

    recomend looking at John Seed's work

    and Legacy of Luna by Julia Butterfly Hill

  4. Poor people trying to make a living.

  5. You will never find out the true answer to this because the companies that do this all have limited liability corporations that do it for them, this way if they get caught, they can just shut it down and start another and begin right where the other on left off.

    Don't waste your anxiety on this topic, worry about stuff you can solve first.

  6. Yep at current its not the oil companies bad answer its the poor living in south america trying to survive. Cutting down the forest to make way for farm land.

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