
What are some companies that support Israel?

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What are some companies that support Israel?




  1. long long list

    almost the companies are support israel...

    google is one of the best supporter

    and of cours the israeli invation- ICQ

  2. Israel exports are precious and semi-precious gemstones, medicine, medical equipment, technology, telecommunications, and aircraft components.  Roughly in that order.

    The companys that do that sort of trade support Israel.

  3. i believe that Yahoo Answers donates 56 gazillion per year to Israel. money comes from advertisement revenue in Ramadan section.

  4. There are very few companies that intentionally support Israel.  Companies are out there to make money, not push ideology.  

    Almost all major companies do business with Israel as well as with Arab nations.  And the ones that don't do business there do so because they found they could not make money there, such as Starbucks who closed all its coffee shops in Israel after not making a profit

  5. I hope this helps.

    More about Starbucks:

  6. most companies support israel and many products are invented in israel, too many to list here

  7. There are a lot of companies that support Israel, and hence the killing of innocent Palestinian children. Find some of the culprits here

    Please implement the boycott, that's the least we can do for the noble Palestinian people.

  8. After the fake Oslo agreement many companies started to deal with Israel but most of them are ready to boycott Israel if publicly asked to do so.

    Remember after Oslo the UN changed it is position on Zionism as a forum of racism. We need to change it back too.

  9. If by "support" you mean companies that do business within the state of Israel, then there are loads of them.

    In fact, their are probably quite a few large multinationals that have opened up shop both in Saudi Arabia and Israel.

    But what exactly is the problem with that?

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