
What are some cons on how not using your car can reduce gloabal warming?

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what are some cons on not using your car?

Thanks! :)




  1. You are saying that car exhaust is helping cause global warming.  This isn't true.  It doesn't.  

    In fact, there is no global warming.  You can't add to it or reduce it if it isn't real!

    Just drive, and don't worry about it.

  2. Depending on lack of traffic, it can take you longer to get places.

    You also can't transport as much stuff at the same time as easily.

  3. The trend is even more global warming (if any yet)

    Look into this: all hydrogen fueled cars, even the sidewalk is wet without clouds or rain, and most of the population suffering painful rheumatic arthritis.

  4. Do we notice some lameness in the arguments offered?

    The obvious con to parking the car is that the car last longer and so need not be replaced, and so less employment making cars, less employment making parts.

    We see public transit vehicles overloaded and new vehicles being needed at large cost.

    Downtown parking lots and street parking all return less profit.

    Used car lots  are overfull. People go on paying car payments even though the car is not doing any good for them, so they are paying for public transit and car at the same time.

    CARS not being driven are attacked for parts, and robbed of fuel and coolant. Streets then are littered with vehicles that are no longer useful.

  5. well one con of not using your car is you'll either have to ride a bike everywhere and leave really early, or be late all the time and the pollution that comes from your car doesn't near equal the pollution that happens whenever a volcano goes off or all the airplanes that are used daily and the suv's used by those preaching against you driving your car so you not using your car isn't going to change the world.

  6. That sounds like a double negative.

    I think if everyone used less gasoline it would be better for everyone.

    It's called sacrifice in a time of trouble.

    There's a history to it.


    Listen to these people. Cars are a religion. Why would it be terrible to change to transportation mode into one that works better for everyone? Are people on bikes bad people? You'd think so from the way the car people rant...

    The guys that sell gas hate that kind of thing.

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