
What are some constructon materials that are recyclable and that is cheap to recycle and cheap when you buy?

by  |  earlier

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maybe they dont have to be cheap but, some type of construction material that is. thanks!




  1. I use recycled materials from old houses, and lumber that people want to throw away. . . there is also "500" year recycled plastic lumber and posts that you can buy. . . recycled insulation. . .etc.  The list is really long.

    Check out:

    Yahoo! Green


    These are where I get most of my info from and all the thousands of links from these sites!!!

    Good luck to you!!!

  2. Concrete can easily be recycled and even rocks that have been broken down just add concrete mix sand and rocks and you have three times what you pay for.

  3. Stone. Clay (as in tile or brick).

    We really want materials that need no recycling, just reuse.

    There are essentially no construction materials other than stone that will reliably survive for 200 years.

    Clay when it breaks down goes back to being clay as in earth, and more clay makes more brick.  That is recycling, but we see people reuse brick to avoid the cost of firing clay to become brick.

    Dimensional lumber can be reused for well over 100 years, and then used as fuel.

    Steel roofing tiles or sheets can be reused or recycled.

    Asphalt roofing can be recycled but not reused, at least the asphalt and sand can be.

    Clay roofing tiles may last longer than asphalt, and can be made from new clay rather than reusing or recycling.

    We can make straw bale housing very economically, but it is not particularly reusable for housing but returns to the earth and is reused there. Or we could call that recycling if we ever get around to using it that way.

    The single most valuable material on construction is space. That  can be reused and recycled any number of times at no special cost.

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